Gluten Free Grapefruit Cake with Grapefruit Curd
By Brielle
Calling all citrus lovers with this Gluten Free Grapefruit Cake with Grapefruit Curd and Citrus Buttercream! This cake takes citrus to a whole new level with grapefruit buttercream and fresh grapefruit curd. You’ll never view grapefruits the same way ever again!
We have two plants out front. I forget to water them All. The. Time. One is dying and the other is thriving. Funny how plants can have such different needs.
To be clear, the one that is thriving is a cactus, so my unintentional disregard actually helps it grow. I almost killed it at first because I watered it too much, but now we’ve reached a happy compromise, me and that cactus. If a pet could be that easy, I may consider getting a dog. For now, stuffed animals and imaginations will do.
When I walked in the door from my run this morning, it all the sudden hit me. Those two plants on our front porch are perfect representations of my husband and me. The plant that is dying due to my lack of care is just like Ben. They demand constant attention otherwise they will shrivel up and die. Hey, I’m not throwing Ben under the bus here. He fully admits that he thrives off of verbal validations and commendations. It’s just his nature.
Too bad Ben grew up his entire life with his mom praising his name and now he is married to a wife whose favorite phrase for every completed chore is, “So what? You wanna cookie???”
I’m cringing as I write this because I am realizing just how cruel and loveless a wife I can be. Why does he even put up with me? I’ll never know. Maybe my January challenge this year should have been to add a little sugar to our marriage rather than take sugar away from my diet. I’ll reconsider next year….
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