Splash into the new year with this sweet and tangy Meyer Lemon Citrus Fruit Salad. It’s the perfect mixture of summer and winter!

I was planning on welcoming January into my life with open arms, full of optimism and new life goals. Yeah, instead January bulldozed its boisterous butt through my emotional front door and I’m left dazed and confused thinking, “Where has all the time gone???!”
It’s already the second week of January and I haven’t eaten less sugar, exercised more frequently, suddenly transformed into a better parent, or in the very least even entertained the idea of creating a list of New Year’s resolutions that I’m likely to edit, revise, or delete within days.
In fact, it’s the second week of January and I’m sitting here in my mismatched pajamas at 11:00 in the morning contemplating the idea of running, wondering if mere thoughts and good intentions count as real exercise.
Am I a failure??? Please say no.

You know what I’ve learned in my days of avoiding New Year’s goal making??? I’ve learned that I use my kids’ successes as a replacement for seeking my own. Is that a normal motherly thing to do? Or am I the only one?
Let me explain. I push my kids to exceed in school, be competitive in dance, excel in gymnastics, socialize with friends, strengthen their spirituality, and improve upon their many other talents so that I can avoid pursuing mine. I guess I have a bit of the condition where I live vicariously through my kids.
If they succeed, haven’t I succeeded as well? That’s an easy way to claim success. Rely on others to do it for you, right?

But here’s the catch, if my kids fail, I can always find a way to blame it on them and, therefore, avoid my own personal failure. It’s a win, win scenario for me. Messed up, I know. But seriously, this is how my mind works…I think.
It’s a good thing that I have amazing, well adapted, good-natured children that rarely experience failure. Otherwise, they’d probably be scarred for life by my twisted, codependent relationship with their successes.
Alrighty, my psycho self analyzing is now complete. Lesson learned: get off my toosh and make some reasonable life goals for myself…me, not anyone else. And just so I have some accountability, here are a few things I hope to achieve this year:
- Spend intentional, deliberate one on one time with each of my children, enjoying the activities that they’re interested in…unless it’s making slime or jumping on the trampoline. I eternally veto both of those.
- Read more…something…anything. Basically pick up any tangible object with letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs and actually read it. My vocabulary is going to pot and it’s time to change that.
- Be more sexy. Yeah, that’s right. That ain’t no typo. Seriously, I’m kind of a prude and I need to loosen up and embrace my womanhood. This doesn’t mean that boobs and cleavage will now be in your face (I coudn’t flaunt either even if I tried), but you can expect more days of me NOT in running clothes or pajamas…starting tomorrow.
- Making up my mind about work. No, not cleaning toilets, grocery shopping, school volunteering, and chauffeuring children kind of work. I’m talking about paid work…like a career kind of work. I need to make a decision whether I’m fulfilled being a stay at home mom (which is beyond commendable), or if having a personal career is more down my alley. This is the hardest goal because it takes WAY too much self reflection, an uncomfortable and vulnerable inner meditation of which I avoid at all costs.
So there you have it folks! Miss Breezy’s practical goals for 2019. Let’s get this party started and pave the path for a profitable, joyful, enriching new year chalk full of bumps and bruises that will strengthen me along the way.

And with all this colorful, vivacious optimism, what better recipe to introduce into the new year than this colorful and vivacious Meyer Lemon Citrus Fruit Salad?!
This recipe can apply to all the old you’s and new you’s out there. Whether you’re on a health kick or not, this meyer lemon citrus fruit salad will appeal to all your varying taste buds. It’s fresh, tangy, sweet, and sour all at once. It’s as equally flavorful as it is beautiful, and that’s a promise.
Not only is this meyer lemon citrus fruit salad gorgeous, but it’s ridiculously simple to make. Slice up a few fruits, dress them up with lemon, honey, and a pinch of salt, and your fruit salad dreams have come true. It’s as easy as pie, without all the crust, and filling, and calories, of course.

So ring in the new year with me in all its glory. I’d love to hear some of your goals for this upcoming season of life. Big or small, let’s hear them ALL! And I really didn’t mean for that to rhyme. Really.
- Mojito Tropical Fruit Salad
- Orange and Grapefruit Coconut Juice
- Granola and Grapefruit Yogurt Breakfast
- Lime and Basil Tropical Fruit Salad
- Grapefruit Brulee Breakfast Bowl
Meyer Lemon Citrus Fruit Salad
- 1 grapefruit
- 2 blood oranges
- 2 kiwis
- 3 tablespoons pomegranate perils
- 1/2 teaspoon meyer lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon meyer lemon zest
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 pinch salt
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated ginger optional
- 2 teaspoon chopped mint or basil leaves optional
- Cut peel off tops and bottoms of grapefruit, oranges, and kiwi. Lay fruit on one of the flat ends and cut off remaining peel in strips, starting from top of fruit to bottom, working your way around the fruit. Discard peels. Lay fruit on side and cut into thin round slices.
- Arrange grapefruit, orange, and kiwi slices randomly in serving dish. Sprinkle pomegranate on top.
- Grate meyer lemon zest and ginger (optional) on top of fruit and squeeze meyer lemon juice on top. Thinly drizzle honey over top of fruit arrangement. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and mint or basil leaves (optional) on top.
- Serve fruit salad chilled.