We’ve got a real showstopper with this Gluten Free Pistachio Bundt Cake with Honey Caramel. It’s a cake big enough for a crowd, but you won’t want to share!
Every Thursday evening I pull up to Braelyn’s dance studio just in time to catch the last five minutes or so of her hip hop class. You can actually see the kids dancing from the outside window. Emry and I like to park ourselves on the sidewalk and watch her shake what her mama most certainly did NOT give her, waiting for her class to end.
Most evenings she spots me pretty quickly and puts on quite the show, fully aware that she has an outdoor audience. But even when she doesn’t realize I’m there, she sure knows how to be the center of attention and claim center stage. When you radiate flare and pizzazz like Braelyn, it’s hard not to be the spotlight.
I was dying laughing yesterday as I was observing her from my sidewalk perch. From what I could gather, the class was split into two groups and was alternating practicing their dance. For the final run through, the teacher combined the two groups so they could perform all together.
As the kids were scrambling to find their places, Braelyn must have felt that her peers were too close to her “dancing bubble”, threatening to cramp her style, because she literally shooed them away with a wave of her hand which was then followed by a satisfactory hip check, head nod, hair whip, and a snap of her finger.
ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME?????! I about died. Who teaches her this attitude? She had no idea that I was watching, nor did she realize that her teacher was eyeing her in that very moment.
Now I could have been upset that she was displaying such sass and the teacher could have called her out for not sharing her dance space, but instead, in that very moment, both her teacher and I busted up laughing. Sometimes you gotta just roll with the punches with that kid.
Moments later her teacher made eye contact with me through the window and mouthed, “Is she yours???”. My immediate reaction probably resembled something in the range of the face palming and shoulder shrugging emojis. Those two emojis pretty much sum up my life with Braelyn. She’s a nut, but we love her!
I struggle between striving so hard to teach that girl humility and yet being so extremely grateful that she claims such confidence. I would have given anything to have that kind of self-assurance as a kid. Heck, I would pay money to have even half her confidence as a grown adult. I’m still trying to feel comfortable in my own skin.
Here’s the thing with Braelyn. I’ve decided that no matter what, that kid is going to be popular. She’s social, outgoing, intelligent, and pretty much drop dead gorgeous. Basically she’s going to experience all the perks of popularity that I never even came close to. I was quite the “awkward duckling” growing up and never quite fit in. Thank goodness there’s life after high school!
But really, Braelyn has no struggles fitting in with the “cool crowd”. Here’s where I worry. There are two kinds of popular: there are the mean girls and then there are the kids who are inclusive of everyone. Braelyn has the personality to go either way. She could end up being the girl you don’t mess with because she’ll make your life miserable, or the kid that leads others with an open heart, befriending all those around her. As much as it pains me, I know that my influence can only go so far and she will have to choose which category she’ll fall into.
So send some prayers my way that my kid will choose to be nice. Heaven knows parents can use all that prayers they can get when it comes to raising decent children. But as for now, keep claiming that spotlight and working your magic Braelyn Boo! You have a quality about you that not many kids possess at your age. I hope you never lose that spunk.
Now I may not be able to claim the spotlight quite like my oldest, but when it comes to my baking, I’m the queen of showstopping desserts. Take this Gluten Free Pistachio Bundt Cake with Honey Caramel for instance. How would you like this scrumptious centerpiece at your next dinner party?! I already know your answer.
I’m telling you, this gluten free pistachio bundt cake is one of my favorite desserts I’ve ever made. It’s dense while still being light and airy. It’s sweet while still having a touch of saltiness. It’s cozy while still permeating flavors that you want to enjoy year round. Basically, this cake has it all!
Let’s just start off with the cake part of this gluten free pistachio bundt cake. One word: pistachios. Yep, this cake batter has real chopped up pistachios swirled throughout, giving you a bit of crunch in every bite. None of that fake pistachio flavoring or coloring over here. Just down to earth, naturally flavored pistachio cake. Yes please.
The flavor of this gluten free pistachio cake is perfectly buttery with a touch of honey and cinnamon. Definitely don’t skimp on the butter. That’s what makes a bundt cake so delectable: the fat. We all need fat, and I’m going to hand it to you on a plate with a piece of this cake. Just stop after one slice and you’ll be okay, I promise.
As if this cake wasn’t glorious enough on it’s own, I felt the need to drizzle a homemade honey caramel sauce on top. You guys, it was a good life decision. Yes, that I’m sure about. The sauce is slightly salty with a caramely goodness from the brown sugar. But then the addition of honey takes this sauce to the next level. The honey compliments the flavor of the pistachio cake so well. It’s superb, I tell you!
Man, I gotta stop writing recipe posts about cake at 11:30 at night. I’m not sure if I’m actually hungry or if all my salivating over the thoughts of cake are just making me think I’m hungry. Either way, I think I may need a little sliver of cake before bed. It’s okay. I exercise. Don’t judge.
- Pistachio Recipes
- Pistachio Butter Cookies
- Gluten Free Sour Cream Pumpkin Bundt Cake
- Gluten Free Chocolate Peppermint Bundt Cake
- Gluten Free Holiday Eggnog Bundt Bake
- For the cake:
- 2 sticks butter, room temperature
- 1½ cups granulated sugar
- 6 large eggs, room temperature
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 3 tablespoons honey
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- ½ teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon xanthan gum (only if your flour blend doesn't already contain a gum)
- 3 cups high quality gluten free all purpose flour or my preferred blend (3/4 cup superfine almond flour, ¾ cup brown rice flour, ¾ cup white rice flour, ½ cup potato starch, ¼ cup tapioca starch)
- 1 cup full fat sour cream, room temperature
- ¾ cup chopped pistachios, divided (about 1 cup before chopped)
- For the caramel:
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 3 tablespoons brown sugar
- 3 tablespoons honey
- dash of salt
- 3 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a nonstick bundt pan with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.
- Begin making cake. In a large mixing bowl or stand mixer, cream butter and granulated sugar together until light and fluffy, about 3-5 mins, scraping down sides as needed. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Add vanilla and honey and mix until incorporated.
- In a smaller mixing bowl, sift together salt, baking powder, baking soda, xanthan gum (if needed), and gluten free flour (or my preferred blend).
- Add half of dry ingredients to mixing bowl. Mix until combined, scraping down sides as needed. Add sour cream and mix until incorporated. Add remaining dry ingredients and mix until combined. Beat for 1 minute, scraping down sides as needed.
- Add about 1 cup shelled pistachios to a food processor. Pulse until coarse pieces form. Add ½ cup chopped pistachios to batter and fold in with spatula. Reserve remaining pistachios for topping.
- Pour batter into greased bundt pan. Bake at 350 degrees in lower ⅓ of the oven for 50-55 mins or until top appears set and toothpick inserted center of pan comes out almost clean with few moist crumbs. Add tented sheet of foil over top for last 10 mins of baking if top is browning too quickly.
- Remove cake from oven and set on cooling rack for 15 minutes. Gently loosen sides of pan. Flip over onto cooling rack and remove bundt pan. Allow cake to completely cool.
- To make caramel, heat butter, brown sugar, honey, and salt in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a rolling boil. Whisk constantly for two minutes. Pour in whipping cream, while quickly whisking, and cook for 2 minutes more, whisking constantly. Remove from heat and let cool slightly until drizzling consistency. If sauce is too thick, add a splash more of cream.
- While sauce is cooling, transfer cake to serving platter. Drizzle cake with caramel and top with remaining pistachios.