Rise and shine with this simply delicious Gluten Free Granola and Yogurt Grapefruit Breakfast! Wait, did I say breakfast??? Try it for a snack or healthy dessert as well. It’s a perfectly sweet and tart pick me up for any time of day.
My life just got intensely easier!!! Emry came home from school yesterday with a project assignment (in which I obviously rolled my eyes at), and miraculously about an hour later it was completed and I didn’t do a dang thing to help! Magic you ask? Nope. It’s called big sister.
Lately Braelyn has really taken on the role of older sister quite seriously. Sometimes that results in yelling at and bossing Emry around. Who am I kidding?! Most often that results in yelling at and bossing Emry around. But occasionally there will be a moment or two where her “take charge over anyone and everyone that will listen” proactive attitude pays off. And well, yesterday was the day.
Emry hopped off the bus with utter excitement that she was chosen to be “Star Student” this upcoming week. Apparently there is a focus on her for each day of the week. One day she gets to bring in a show and tell, another day she shows off some family photos, and the very first day starts off with presenting a poster all about herself.
Wait a minute! If my kid is “Star Student” then why are you making me…uh…her work?! C’mon now! You know I’m not crafty and now I gotta make a poster???
It didn’t help my attitude when the day before Braelyn announced she had to complete a salt dough land forms project over the weekend and Emry informed me that she is to make a Valentine’s box for their upcoming class party.
What is happening here?! Don’t these teachers know I have literally ONE scrawny craft box that is only half full of leftover pipe cleaners and a few pom poms? How am I supposed to complete THREE school projects with just that?
So as I was finding any and every way to put off starting the girls’ projects yesterday, they headed out to the backyard to play…or so I thought. About an hour later they come bounding inside and show me a completed “All About Me” poster for Emry!!! What the what?! My life has been made!
Braelyn had helped her fill out the answers to all the questions, found pictures to go along with her answers, and pasted everything together. I think I’ll check out of being a mom now. My mission is complete. My children are well on their way to self-sufficiency.
Man, I’m all about easy these days. I grocery shop less, I clean less, I shower less, and I help out less. Does this make me a dirtier, smellier, hungrier, more selfish mama? Why yes it does. But you know what? It also makes me a little less crazy, so I’ll take the faint stench over all the stress.
I’ve been trying to start my days off on a calmer note by choosing simple and fast breakfasts. I used to ALWAYS eat cereal, but my goal this year is to switch up my morning routine. At first I thought that meant making elaborate breakfasts with a variety of foods, but that gets a little crazy when you are trying to rush two kiddos off to school by 7:15 in the morning. So the simpler, the better.
One super simple breakfast I’ve been loving lately is this Gluten Free Granola and Yogurt Grapefruit Breakfast. It doesn’t get any easier!
Here’s how you do it:
- Get a grapefruit. Phew, wipe off the sweat because that was tricky.
- Cut it in half. Now we’re getting crazy!
- Spoon some plain Greek yogurt on top. Man, my hands are getting tired.
- Sprinkle on some gluten free granola. Okay, I gotta take a rest now.
- Drizzle some honey, agave, or pure maple syrup on top. Now that takes talent!
Okay, for real though. Can you believe how easy that is??? But here’s the thing; easy can also be tasty. These granola and yogurt grapefruits are sweet and tangy and crunchy and chewy (if you add dried fruit with your granola) all at the same time. There’s no lack of flavor with these babies.
If you want to get even more adventurous you could add some toasted coconut, chopped nuts, dried fruit, or a dusting of cinnamon on top. Add whatever sounds good. All I know is that these are a perfectly filling, guiltless way to start your day…or jump start your day because these are a refreshing snack too. Heck! I would even eat one of these for dessert and be satisfied. It’s all up to you.
Happy weekend and happy eating my friends!
- Gluten Free Grapefruit Cake with Grapefruit Curd
- Gluten Free Sunrise Honey Granola
- Gluten Free Apple Cinnamon Granola
- Gluten Free Honey Orange Banana Bread
- Lime and Basil Tropical Fruit Salad
- 2 grapefruits
- ½-3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
- ½ cup gluten free granola of choice
- 2-3 teaspoons honey, agave, or pure maple syrup
- Slice grapefruits in half. Remove visible seeds. With a serrated knife, gently cut around sections to loosen. Place a grapefruit half in bowl.
- Top each grapefruit half with 2-3 tablespoons of Greek yogurt. Sprinkle granola on top of yogurt. Drizzle honey over the tops of the assembled grapefruit halves.
- Serve and enjoy!