The perfectly Baked Chicken Parmesan with your favorite pasta sauce. This simple dish is sure to become a family favorite. It's healthy and, of course, gluten free!
Author: Brielle
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Italian
Serves: 6
6 uncooked chicken breasts, about 3-4 oz. each
½ cup white rice flour (I would imagine any gluten free flour would work)
3 eggs
1½ cups gluten free breadcrumbs
1 jar favorite Ragu gluten free spaghetti sauce
1 cup grated parmesan cheese
12 oz. your choice Barilla gluten free pasta (spaghetti, rotini, penne, etc.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9X13 pan with cooking spray and set aside. In three separate shallow containers or bowls, fill with the following: bowl #1-white rice flour, bowl #2-eggs, and bowl #3-bread crumbs. Beat the eggs with a fork and set all bowls aside.
Place chicken breasts on a meat designated cutting board. Trim fat off chicken and discard. Cover chicken with plastic wrap and pound chicken until they are ½" thickness. Generously salt and pepper each side of all the chicken breasts. Make sure your pounded breasts are not much larger than an index card. If they are substantially large after pounding, cut them in half.
Take pieces of chicken one at a time and dip both sides in flour. Then coat both sides in egg. Lastly, dip both sides in bread crumbs to completely coat. Breadcrumbs may not easily stick just by pushing the chicken in the crumbs, so use your hands to scoop and pat some breadcrumbs on each side. Place chicken in baking pan. Repeat with remaining pieces of chicken, adding more flour, eggs or breadcrumbs to your bowls as needed.
Place chicken in the oven and bake for 40-45 minutes until cooked through.
During the last 20 minutes of baking, begin heating lightly salted water to boiling in a large pot. Cook pasta according to package directions. (I always cook gluten free pasta at least one minute more so the pasta isn't as chewy.)
As pasta is cooking heat your pasta sauce on stovetop until heated through. Keep warm until ready to serve.
Once pasta is done, drain well. Arrange plates with pasta, sauce, chicken, more sauce and top with grated parmesan cheese. Sit down and enjoy a fancy effortless meal!
Recipe by Breezy Bakes at